Register A Partnership With Us
Give Wings To Your Imagination! By Enlisting A Partnership Firm With LeadingFile.
Partnership Registration Is An Ideal For Small-Medium Sized Businesses. The only quote for partnership business, we utter is; “Take Care Of Your Business, While We Take Care Of The Paperwork.”
Further, being an India’s largest registrar of companies & secretarial compliances, we assign for proprietorship, partnership, and many more services. Hence, scale your business with a partnership that works: “LeadingFile!”
Now, you must be looking for partnership definition. So, for the sake twin, let’s get cracked to one of its definition which is elaborated as:
“It is an arrangement where parties concur to unite and advance their mutual interest.”
Let’s get engaged with the same;
You can register or index your partnership firm registration along with LeadingFile in two basic forms/types:
1: General Partnership Registration,
2: And, Via LP (Limited Partnership) Registration.

Glimpse Of Our Approach To Partnership Firm Registration
LeadingFile: A dominant and contemporary business service platform provider, assigns the partnership firm registration via above-shown forms.
Further, we enlarged our criteria over LP (Limited Partnership) registration type; and now you can register or index partnership against the illustrated forms/types also:
Well, for a startup like ours, one need to understood; What Is Partnership?
Fairly, It is a business structure in which two or more parties cooperate to manage, operate and control the entire firm, according to the rules and goals set forth in the Partnership Deed or upon the rights conferred by Partnership Act.
Now, you must be staring at parties, here, parties implicit the partners, which can be an entire business, individual, schools, organizations, etc.
Needless to say! Partnership registration is comparatively easy and is usual among small and medium-sized firms in the unorganized sectors. Well, there are two types of partnership firms:
Subsequently, It is not necessary to register a partnership firm. But, it is quite advisable to register a partnership firm due to the added advantages. However, such an organization is fabricated by drafting a partnership deed among all the partners.
Last, but not least! LeadingFile can lessen you to start a registered or unregistered partnership firm in India.
Benefits Of Naming A Partnership With LeadingFile
Benefits/Advantages of naming a partnership with leading files are as follows:

Documents Needed For Partnership Firm Registration
Following are the documents required for partnership registration; which are as follows:
Identity & Address Proof
The shareholders and all directors of the company to be incorporated, are required to hand over identity and address proof.
Very often the PAN is compulsory for Indians. Whereas, In case of foreign nationality, notarized copy of the passport is mandatory. Along with this, the residual proof documents like bank statements or electricity bills need to be less than of 2 months old.

Registered Office Proof
This fleck says that the organization needs to have a registered office in India.
However, to claim the bout to the registered office, a recent copy of the electricity bill or tax receipt or water bill need to be submitted by the parties.
Subsequently, the utility bill, rental agreement or sale, along with a notified letter from the landowner, with his consent to use the office as a registered office of a company is mandatory.

LeadingFile Perspective Towards Partnership Registration
Our approach to start up a partnership ends within 7 to 14 days, subject to the Govt and client processing time.
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