Apply Online For “Trademark Rectification” With Us
Hey! One Step Towards Rectification. Since – Your Trademark Rectification Native Is One Step Away.
Probably trademark rectification itself is a step which is opted later to the trademark registration failure or when the trademark examiner (an agent employed by a government entity) marks the trademark application — ‘Formalities Chk Fail’ or ‘Send Back To EDP’.
And of course, no one is a champion. Even champions too hit the failure.
And-And-And, if you register a trademark for the first time, yourself. Then I bet, you’re definitely coming up with some of the rectifications.
But as said, “Challenges Bring Out The Best In Champions”. So and So our experts are. Needless to say, they provide the best rectification service…!!!
Needless to say that they are the champions of all business values and covers almost all the business aspects. To name a few – itself the business registration like; MSME registration, TAN registration, and much more registrations, tax filings, logo designing, e-verifying, income taxing, funding, etc, etc..
Craving back to the stuff i.e — Trademark Rectification or Trademark Amendment or so-called Trademark Cancellation. Let’s start with an exotic note…
Note: Trademark Applicant, you know what — trademarking world roam around the 5 coins: Trademark Registration, Trademark Rectification, Trademark Objection, Trademark Opposition, and the last one Trademark Renewal.
Apparently, each & every coin plays an important role in trademarking. Visit, any, just by a click.
Now, lets strain out the premium coins from these all. Among these coins, premium ones are the Trademark – registration & rectification, only/-
However, from these two coins, one can be skipped by tackling another one smartly. But what kind of smartness? Ease: research smartness — which will be fulfilled by visiting our trademark agent or so-called trademark registrar.
[Trademark Agent; an agent which somehow furnish the complete trademark registration process.]
Meanwhile, indexing your trademark with LeadingFile may affix you to deal with the single coin i.e trademark registration and not the trademark rectification. Not only this much, we will also be allotting you the full assistance in respect of the below-illustrated commodities –
Title And Deed – Rectification
Title and deed or call it simply ‘Title Deed’, no matter what you call but they are something which stands by — miles apart but close at end.
Simplifying it a bit more! Title deed, a deed or document or so-called legal document which constitute the evidence of a property or brand ownership.
Apparently, for the brand, such documents itself become key precious. But, such precious documents too are sometimes filled inappropriately, especially when the self rectification deed is formatted out.
Need not to worry, might it be the deed of rectification (rectification deed) or deed of variation or any other type of deed, our experts are always there for you.
They for sure will take you out of this mud and will file your title deed or so-called rectification deed without seller in the prescribed rectification deed format, within no matter time and with the least rectification deed charges.
Certificate Correction
Correction certificate or certificate of correction or rectification certificate or certificate of rectification connotes to the same thing at least here.
A bit more simplification! Correction certificate, a certificate or so-called legal application form which is prescribed against the common trademark mistakes.
Generally, it plays an important role in the common as well as trademarking world. And as of, we here are dealing with the trademark amendment . So we will also be circulating our assistance around the same.
By the way, you need not to worry – might it be the birth certificate correction or change of name certificate or any other correction, we will always be there for you.
Lately, we will also be helping you with the rectification ideas and will often be filing the application to correct name in the register of trademark database, in the prescribed name change request letter format.
Finally, if you’re firmly surrounded by such rectification of register ends then opt to have a community overflowing with the rectification opportunities…!!!
Trademark ‘™’ Rectification: Simplified
Rectify Your ™, Knock LeadingFile’s Online Trademark Rectification Service…!!!
Our services that make us stand tall. Often said – LeadingFile services are like buses, there’s always another one coming. Yes, we do align numerous services and opportunities, and yes, they all are superb!
This time here we are with the [Trademark Rectification], the utmost optimal & flexible 1 (one) service!
However, it will be not a bit off-ward, if we say that opting us for trademark registration will make you skip of trademark rectification.
All right! Let us explain you the subject of skip…
For you – trademark can be a word, a group of words, a slogan, a group of slogans, logo, symbol, etc., or a combination of any mentioned amenities, any, that you can use to differentiate your products from those of others.
But it in actual is – intellectual property protection which should be filed in a particular prescribed format, defined under the trademark act – 1999…!!!

Wherein, later to filing the trademark registration application form, the trademark registrar would process the application and will check its concerns thoroughly. If any concern is noted then the examiner would mark the application as ‘Formalities Chk Fail’ or ‘Send Back To EDP’ and will send the application form back for rectification.
On the other hand, if you opt to have us for your trademark registration then rest assured and just skip the trade mark correction step. But what if one is already dipped into the mud of rectification. So, let’s begin from the foundation and give it a quick overview by typing the definition of same.
Definition (short) – “Trademark Rectification is also known as “Trademark Amendment || Trademark Correction”; is a rectification or amendment or correction which is made onto the grounds of a trademark.”
And what those grounds are? Meanwhile, you wish to know who can file and for what to file a trademark rectification application form.
Have a look — In India, under section 57 of the trade mark act 1999, any person who is pissed of the grounds like – trademark contravention or trademark condition failure or trademark filing error, can file an application towards the trademark rectification. Let’s conclude each with the native definition —
Here we go — In accordance with the section – 7, trademark act 1999, TM (™) Rectification or Trademark Amendment is a legal process to go with alteration or modification or correction or omission towards an error, encountered in the details of a trademark which further on is recorded in the trademark register.”
This didn’t end here, in accordance with the section – 8, the non-use of any registered trademark for over 5 years too may ask the registered owner to file a trademark amendment or so-called trademark correction form.
Over next, the non-renewal of original or previous trademark registration along with the inclusion or addition of certain classes of goods & services into the registered trademark may also ask you to file the trademark rectification application form, especially in India.
Last but not least – in accordance with trademark grounds state act, the non-conformance of any trademark ground, specified in either section may also ask the trademark owner to file the trademark rectification form…!!!
However, to all these grounds, the applicant is fully authorized to rectify and resubmit the trademark application. But the thing is s/he should rectify the trademark rectification deed in the prescribed format, illustrating the reasons and facts as to why the trademark was marked — “Formalities Chk Fail”.
Once the applicant is done with the trademark application rectification, s/he can send it back to the trademark examiner. Where-if the examiner finds the rectification appropriate and sufficient then s/he will allow it to be processed and often will prepare a trademark examination report.
So, to avoid all this stuff, just opt to have us…
We [LeadingFile], India’s largest business services platform provider are completely dedicated to our serving i.e Trademark Rectification | Registration…!!!
Key Highlights Of Trademark Rectification
From the knowledge of trademark act 1999 — trademark rectification is a legal process to rectify an error or a correction or an omission which has been overlooked in the trademark register within the details of a trademark.
[Trademark Register; a register or name it a trademark database which holds the entire detail of a trademark. For instance — trademark name, trademark number, trademark serial number, trademark status, trademark types, and all other details related to a trademark.]
Anyways, coming back to the topic i.e key highlights of trademark correction. Here they are, let’s discuss them in detail…
Documents Required For Trademark Rectification: Official List
In accordance with the India’s trademark act 1999, documents required for the trademark rectification and documents required for the trademark registration is somewhat like 99% similar to each other.
All right, we agree at the similarity but what the list says. Here we go – following are the trademark documents required for registering a trademark, illustrated as follows:
Note: Scanned Copy! Yes, while filing the trademark correction application, there is no need for submitting the original documents. Instead, a scanned copy of each would suffice the requirement.
Trademark Rectification Procedure: In-Vision Of LeadingFile
Trademark Rectification Process//Procedure or name it Trademark Cancellation Procedure//Process; both connotes to the same thing i.e legal procedure to modify or rectify the trademark errors.
And yes, LeadingFile’s in-vision start from the same. But didn’t end here only. Its — lawyers, CA and rectification experts along with the trademark rectification, also helps you with the correcting mistakes in property documents (land registry rectification), even with the form 48 filing as well as with the rectification of register formatting.
Not only this much, they even will guide you – how to correct survey number and often will describe you the overall boundaries prevail over survey number.
So, needless to say, take a wise step and opt to have an attorney which can assist you with all the rectification assets i.e LeadingFile.
Not only for saying – our experts in real can help you with the trademark amendment within no matter working days, here the process goes…