Apply Online For “Professional Tax Registration” With Us

Are You Crawling For Online Professional Tax & Accounting Services? Abandon the hassle and index your professional tax registration with affordable registrar i.e, LeadingFile!
We at LeadingFile; cover all the aspects, likely to be contained – professional tax, commercial tax, accounting services, e payment, GST registration, tax filing, partnership registration, tax challan, online payment, e waybill, proprietorship registration, nidhi company registration and much more.
Fast forward – make the right choice and go along with reliable!
Getting back to the topic i.e, Professional Tax. At present, you must be thinking of: what is a professional tax, the rate of professional tax and how to pay professional tax online in India? Let’s get cracked to the twin, respectively –
Definition | In short – “A tax by the state governments in India, levied at the salaried employees (a person earning an income from salary or any other practicing profession; like – chartered accountant, lawyers, company secretary, doctors, teacher, etc.) is known to be a professional tax.”
Moving over at the next questionnaire, i.e, professional tax rates – in accordance with the constitution of India, article 276; state government to levy professional tax has provided for a maximum cap of Rs 2,500. Beyond that, no professional tax can be charged on any person.
Few professional tax slab to their rates are illustrated as follows:
Professional Tax Rate Slabs In Andhra Pradesh
Monthly salary up to Rs 15,000 – NIL
Monthly salary between Rs 15,001 to Rs 20,000 – Rs 150 per month
Monthly salary more than Rs 20,000 – Rs 200 per month
Professional Tax Rate Slabs In Karnataka
Monthly salary less than Rs 10,000 – NIL
Monthly salary between Rs 10,000 to Rs 14,999 – Rs 150 per month
Monthly salary Rs 15,000 or above – Rs 200 per month
After knowing the tax rate slabs one might be looking for the ways to pay professional tax in India. Once again a state-specific task! Well, in general, it can be paid either online or offline.
Further on, if you are glancing for a game changer, then, your professional tax registration native is just a click away, which will help you in paying the professional tax, e waybill, professional tax challans, professional tax returns and much more.
All You Need To Know About - Professional Tax
Give Power To Your Professionalism By Indexing A Professional Tax Registration With LeadingFile!
Before all, you might be looking at the phrase i.e, “professional tax.”
“Professional Tax; a state-level tax that is levied over the professions and trades within India.”
It is no secret that not all but many salaried employees might be very well aware of this phrase, as it would have been mentioned in the payslips or form 16 – issued to them.
To which this heading is an attempt for providing a better illusion of what is professional tax or professional tax meaning, how to calculate professional tax, how to pay professional tax and much more.

Moving over to the depth of questionnaires – unlike the name suggest: professional tax; it is just not the tax applied only over the professionals, but, a tax that is applied on the income of all kinds of profession, trade and employment of a salaried person.
In other words, it is a tax that has to be mandatorily paid by each end every member of staff employed in a private firm.
Now, you must be looking at the next questionnaire i.e, how to calculate the same – Quite easy, the amount of professional tax is calculated on predetermined tax-slabs and on the basis of the salary or monthly income of an employee. The deduction scale is illustrated above within the professional tax rate slabs of various states.
Last longing, itself the owner of a business has to deduct professional tax from the salaries of his/her employees and pay that deducted amount to the relevant government office – the local district board, the municipality, or any other judicial agency present in the particular state.

But, what that professional tax amount is?
In general, it is a slab-amount based over the gross income of professionals which is deducted from his/her income every month. To be continued, in case of salaried professionals and wages earners, professionals are liable to deduct that professional tax along with the state government.
However, in the case of individuals, itself the individual is liable to pay that professional tax.
Among all, some of the states that have levied professional tax are illustrated as follows: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Assam, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tripura and Madhya Pradesh.
We at LeadingFile; offers a variety of services; like – professional tax services (professional tax online payment, professional tax deduction, professional tax return, etc.) Along with that, we assign for GST registration, GST returns filing, Pvt Ltd company registration, producer company registration, section 8 company registration, and much more.
Further, we will assign you a professional tax login to which if you got any hassle during the process of logging-in or entire professional tax registration in India, then, get a free consultant on the same time by slotting an appointment with the pro-advisor of LeadingFile.
Our team of professional experts, company secretaries, and chartered accountants are always there for you like 24/7.
So, professional those who are looking for tax professional nearer to them, who are eligible, and wish to pay or get registered under the professional tax registration visit the best & ignite visible registrar i.e, LeadingFile!
Welfare Of Obtaining Professional Tax Registration | LeadingFile
Meanwhile, you are looking for the benefits of professional tax registration!
Among the countless, following are the key advantages of obtaining a professional tax registration in India.
-:- elaborated as follows -:-

Crown Audit Over Professional Tax Applicability
In accordance with the provisional act – article 276, the applicability of professional tax states that there should be a tax levied and collected on the professions, callings, trades, and employment.
Contiguously, each and every person falling under one or the other illustrated amenity of the schedule shall be liable to pay the professional tax at the rate mentioned against the first heading. Next, the amenities which are liable to pay professional tax are discussed as follows:

How LeadingFile Helps With Professional Tax Registration
We don’t believe in talks! And hence, we are ignite visible India’s largest business service platform provider, being so, we assign for professional tax registration and many more services.
However, we have a wide variety of strategies that you can avail when it comes to registration, which can help your business to reach the peak. So – join a community overflowing with opportunity i.e LeadingFile.
Opting us: can assist you in registering a professional tax registration within 5 – 10 working days, subject to the govt and client processing time.