Apply Online For “Trademark Registration” With Us

In Order To Yield Trademark Registration In Delhi (India), We’re Trusted By Leading Companies.
At present, it is no secret that registering a trademark for a brand name or logo or whatever is quite a doodle. Literally, businesses can file a [popup_anything id=”3271″]online in less than one and a half hour. Even without trademark registration lawyers help!
The simplest way is to contact us and rest assured…!!!
Our trademark agents themselves will go with the IP India and will make a trademark for you within no matter time. So, join us today and index for trademark registration, online.
Trademark Registration || Trade Mark Registration || TM Registration is somewhat which connotes to the same thing and is a mandatory registration. Yes, for sure you will need a trademark (TM). But for what, one will require to have that trademarks?
Ease: in the faith of protecting words, letters, number, brand name, phrase, slogan, symbol, sound marks, smell, colors, graphics, logo, etc, etc..
After all, the trade marks act 1999 also says; unless the trademarks, the trade (business) is of no value. So, in order to make a good financial picture or protect or establish a business, join a community overflowing with the online trademark registration.
However, the financial picture of a business is not measured throughout the money standard. Instead, the assets which include the intellectual property can only boost a company’s net worth. In the same way, the protection of a business is not only to its security level. Instead, the business itself can file a suit against those who use their intellectual property without permission.
Meanwhile, having a trademark (TM) can offer you intellectual property protection. To which it protects different types of business assets. Wherefore if you’re eligible to obtain the trademark license/attorney or wish to get indexed under trade marks registration then visit LeadingFile!
Having us can assist you with all your queries related to the Trademark. Likely to be contained – Trademarking, Logo Designing, Trademark Objection, Trademark Act, Trademark Application Status, Trademark Opposition, Trademark Renewal, [simple_tooltip content=’Don’t Let Your Trademark Go Anonymous.
Truly, obtaining a trademark was not a doodle, ever! Generally, it takes a minimum of 18 to 24 working months to obtain a trademark.
So, don’t let your blood go into vain. Apply online for Trademark Rectification With LeadingFile, today…!!!’]Trademark Rectification [/simple_tooltip] and itself the Trademark, Patent, Provisional Patent and Copyright Registration. Not only this, we will also allot you the full assistance in respect of the below-shown commodities –
Trademark Search In India
Through our trademark search process which includes USPTO trademark search, trademark public search, trademark name search and trademark class search, you can check the availability of your brand name, symbols, slogan, logo, etc. easily. But trademarks that are registered across India only.
Trademark Status
LeadingFile provides you a trademark search tool through which you can check up your trademark registration application status. Not only this much, but you will also be capable of checking each and every trademark journal to see whether the trademark status is accepted or objected or rejected.
At last, we will say that well and good if you’re done with the trademark registry. But, if you don’t then opt to have it as soon as possible. Because — prior trademark filing or trademark e filing will succor you in avoiding unnecessary legal tangles.
Trademark Search || TM Status || TM Check: Free in India
TM || Trademark ‘™’ Registration || Trademarking
Protect Your Brand Dream, Register A Trademark (TM) In India With LeadingFile…!!!
As of — building a brand takes away your precious time, blood, sweat, and too takes a great deal of hard work.
So, it becomes very important to make sure that you’ve complete ownership & rights to use the words, slogan, logo, shape, sound, smell, or whatever that gives your business a unique identity.
Fast forward, in order to have that complete ownership & rights, the trademark act 1999 & 1938 allows you to register a trademark in India, US, China, Australia, etc.. Whereon for online trademark registration attorney in India, visit us and make an application in the faith of logo registration.
Before making an online application or before filing a trademark registration certificate, make a trademarking search or so-called trademark electronic search – to ensure that the filled trademark is not already in use.

What’s more, nothing. The time you file the logo registration form, you can start using the TM symbol (™) but not the registered trademark registration symbol (®). And why so? Because the trademark registration process includes various processes for validating original ownership of the mark which takes a minimum of 15 to 18 months. In ease; take care of your brand while we take care of your paperwork…!!!
Beloved by thousands of lakh clients and covers almost all the aspects of business registration, likely to be contained – Logo Registration, [simple_tooltip content=’Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Registration!
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Before going a long way, let’s conclude what is TM or (™) or Tm? TM || ™ || Tm — simply connotes to the same thing, at least here. All right, but what they alone mean. Ease: ‘TM or Tm’ is the short form of the phrase “Trademark”.
On the other hand, (™) is the symbol of the phrase “Trademark”. Well, it (™) is also represented by a Unicode — “U+2122” (a trademark sign) and is a symbol which indicates that the preceding mark is a trademark.
Generally, it is used during the trademark filing where the trademark is found to be unregistered. Meanwhile, (™; ‘AltGr + T or Alt+0153’) is a symbol which is usually used for unregistered trademarks. And why so? Because the registered trademark goes with the symbol (®; ‘AltGr + R or Alt+0174’).

Now turning a few pages back to the subject for which we are here today, i.e, Trademark Registration.
Definition — “Trademark Registration is a registration which is made in the faith of trademarking. Under this registration, you are allocated with a trademark which helps you to protect your brand name, logo, etc. and makes a unique identity of your brand.”
Here out, by going through the definition, one might be having a questionnaire in his/her mind i.e, what is trademarking & trademark?
Trademarking is somewhat which is done in the faith if protecting a brand name. Meanwhile, by trademarking a brand name or your company’s name, you are protecting your brand or so-called business, its reputation, its value, its financial growth, its slogan, logo, symbols, etc., and your ideas.
Now, let’s conclude what is trademark; In saying – Trademark or Trade mark is a recognizable mark, sign, phrase, design, a seal of protection, or a unique expression which is indicated by a symbol ™ or ®, and is valid for the 10 years only. Admirably, it [trademark] identifies or differentiates the product & services of a particular brand (business) from those of others. However, the trademark which is used to differentiate the services of a brand is usually known — “Service Mark”.
But who can opt to have the trademark? Meanwhile, you are glancing for the trademark eligibility. Ease; anyone — might it be an individual (aged 21 years & must have pursued a graduate degree), legal entity, or any organization, it can opt to have the trademark/logo registration.
Well, these days the trademark registration in India is going through many innovative changes. Nearby with effect from date 6th March 2017, the new trademark rules & regulations came into existence. To name a few — sound marks, 3D marks, e-filing, fee structure, expedited processing of an application, hearing via video conferencing, and forms – which have been cut down to 8 from 75 forms.
On the other hand, the trademarks which aren’t registrable under the guidelines of trademarks act, 1999 are as — generic, deceptive, offensive, not distinctive, or whatever which would cause deception or confusion or is offensive. Even the common names, geographical names, common abbreviation are also not registrable. So, those who seem to be eligible and wish to get registered under the trademark registration visit — LeadingFile.
Benefits Of Trademark Registration: Official Journal
From the knowledge of India patent & trademark office, ministry of commerce and industry, the government of India — below illustrated are the benefits or so-called advantages of trademark registration. Let’s discuss them in detail…
Documents Required For Trademark Registration
Following are the trademark registration documents, required in the faith of online trademark registration || In simple words – following are the documents required for trademark registration; elaborated as follows:
Note: Scanned Copy! Yes, while filing the trademark application, there is no need for submitting the original documents. Instead, a scanned copy of each required trademark document would satisfy the entire requirements.
Trademark Registration Procedure: LeadingFile
Trademark registration procedure is somewhat which succors you in protecting your brand from unwanted use and infringement.
However, the trademark registration process or so-called procedure has been completely simplified by the Government of India. Owing to which the entrepreneurs now can easily obtain trademark registration for their brands within no matter months.
Subsequent to this — Discover how the best trademark registration company can help you with trademark licensing in India?
LeadingFile; can assist you in obtaining a trademark registration, online in less than a day, subject to the govt. and client processing time.