How To E-Verify ITR Through
E-Verify ITR Through HDFC Net Banking || HDFC Mobile Banking
- July 1, 2019
- Posted by: Editorial Team
- Category: Income Tax

We all know that netbanking helps [simple_tooltip content=’E-Verify ITR; in complete stands for e-verification of ITR (Income Tax Return)!
But, what e-verification of ITR means? E-Verification of ITR somehow means electronic verification of the ITR, where the taxpayer verify his/her tax returns via generating EVC (Electronic Verification Code).
And from the known fact…Read More‘]e-Verify ITR[/simple_tooltip] in ease. And the more [simple_tooltip content=’Net Banking Manners; manners or name it ways through-out which the e-verification of ITR is carried out… Here out is the amazing 5 manners to do so and so.’]net banking manner[/simple_tooltip] you look for the ease you’ll e-verify your IT (Income Tax) Returns. so, let’s e-verify ITR through HDFC net banking, today!
But does it really work that way?
The answer is — yes! And I’m 100 & 10% sure that your race of ITR e-verification is going to end here.
Not only this but also the HDFC mobile banking helps a lot in e-verifying IT returns. And needless to mention that mobile is the trend of the current era. To which – there is no hassle in saying that most of the taxpayer use mobile banking to e-file and e-verify their tax returns.
On the other hand, sometime before – literally; e-filing, e-verifying, and the necessity of [simple_tooltip content=’If you are done with ITR form filing, then, verification of the ITR form is a must!
Following are the very basic methods of ITR-Verification by which one can claim to his/her returns; elaborated as follows: Offline (Physical) ITR-Verification Process & Online ITR-Verification Process.’]sending signed ITR-V form physically to Bangalore[/simple_tooltip] were the huge obstacles in going paperless. But, the government came up with a solution to this.
And what that solution is? HDFC Net banking or name it online banking || HDFC mobile banking…!!!
Mark-1: To our concern – only selective banks provide net banking: ITR e-verification service. And which those selective banks are? A list illustrating the same is attached to the note point of the article: [simple_tooltip content=’In order to e-verify your ITR through net banking, please make sure that you have access to the net banking.
Meanwhile, you can only verify your ITR if you have availed the net banking facility of the particular bank account. Not all, only selective banks allow you to e-verify your ITR through net banking. Visit Them Here!’]E-Verify ITR Through NET Banking[/simple_tooltip].
Don’t panic, you can avail the benefits of net banking via HDFC bank. The government has allowed HDFC bank to go with net banking and e-verify income tax returns.
Mark-2: Are you aware of HDFC full form? We all know that HDFC is a limited bank. But rare one knows about its full form. Have a look… HDFC stands for ‘Housing Development Finance Corporation’; a bank which was incorporated on August 1994 by the name of — HDFC Bank Limited.
So, what are you waiting for? E-verify your ITR through HDFC netbanking or mobile banking, today @LeadingFile.
E-Verify ITR Through HDFC Bank Net Banking Service: GIF Formatted
If you don’t e-verify your ITR then your ITR will not be considered valid. So, take a wise step and find out an attorney to assist you with HDFC net banking: ITR e-verification.
Do you know — what HDFC netbanking: ITR e-verification means? If no! Have a look… It is somewhat the e-verification of income tax return with the help of HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation) bank.
All right, and what this e-verification is? Ease; it stands for electronic verification…
Note: The complete EVC information is here — [simple_tooltip content=’EVC stands for the “Electronic Verification Code”!
Fast forward, it is an electronically generated 10 digits alphanumeric code, which is used to verify tax return.
For instance: xxxxxxx235…Keep Going.’]Electronic Verification Code[/simple_tooltip].
Considering the lifted subject, as — follow out the steps given below to e-verify your ITR through HDFC bank net banking or mobile banking…
Hire An Expert At LeadingFile To E-File Your Returns
LeadingFile has been here for many years, guiding clients and providing solutions for filing tax returns through a hassle-free manner.
So, needless to say, speak with our certified CA to get tips, analysis and strategic planning that fits best to your needs. Whether you are a salaried employee or own a business, our experts at LeadingFile can help you e-file and e-verify ITR with ease and from the comfort of your home or workplace.
Get in touch with us today…!!!
Visit HDFC Bank Official Website
To begin with the e-verification process, one needs to visit the HDFC bank official website. Subsequently, visit the same by putting in your URL here — HDFC Bank.
Note: Always make sure you access websites that have HTTPS security and avoid compromising your critical information to cyber criminals.
Also, make sure that you have access to the HDFC netbanking current account before you visit the HDFC portal. Not only this much but also don’t forget to draw the HDFC income tax statement.
What next? Next is to conclude the further on-going process. Over to which, firstly, one needs to look for “LOGIN” button — located next to the “NetBanking” tab.
Going forth, in order to hit the goal, click over the same button i.e “LOGIN” button. On the other hand, you can also avail several other benefits that HDFC bank offers. And from where one can avail these benefit options? Ease; click over the “NetBanking” tab, itself.
Doing so will open a drop-down menu, containing the following options:
- NetBanking
- Credit Card Login
- Loan Account Login
- Forex & Prepaid Login/Forex Card Quick Reload
- Verified by Visa/MasterCard SeecureCode/Netsafe/RuPay Pay Secure
- FASTag
But, as of — we are here to e-verify ITR, so, we are only supposed to go with the NetBanking option.
Therefore, select the same and click over the “LOGIN” button. At the same time, you will be facing a pop-up window, named — “NetBanking, and your browser name”.
The complete process throughout a GIF is as follows:
Select – Continue To NetBanking
As mentioned, select the continue to netbanking option. Thus, over the pop-up window, you are facing now – look for the same…
Consequently, the window will carry two “continue to netbanking” buttons, important messages and some options to apply with. Among all, click over the — CONTINUE TO NETBANKING — button in red.
Upon doing so, the browser will get refreshed and you will be facing another window, named — “Welcome To HDFC Bank NetBanking, and your browser name”.
This time, the window will carry — netbanking login menu, two “Continue” buttons (one of credit card holders and another one of retail loan customers) and three other menus (Transfer Money, Pay Bills, Shop Online).
Certainly to go with the subsequent flow, provide the required details.
Firstly, fill the “User ID/Customer ID”, and upon filling the ID – hit the enter or click over the “Continue” button — located just next to the ID.
Doing so will again browse the window and this time you will also be facing the “IPIN (Password)” option. This time (finally), fill the correct IPIN (Password) and click over the “Login” button.
A GIF illustrating the complete process is as follows:
Look For: Income Tax E-Filing
Upon filing the correct user ID and password, and upon hitting the enter or “Login” button, you will be facing your account summary.
Going forth, from the same “Account” menu – select the last option in blue i.e — Request. The time you click over it, at the same time – it will open a drop-down menu containing a number of options.
There-out, from all the options – select the “Income Tax E-Filing” by scrolling the cursor down. Once you find it, click it!
What next? Next is to fill the customer name (your name), select the account number and finally fill the PAN details. Later to this all, one needs to accept the terms and conditions by selecting the box next to the “I accept the Terms & Conditions” statement.
Done with the details! Now, click over the “Continue” button. This will take you to the confirmation window. Wherein, later to the detail’s confirmation, you need to click over the “Confirm” button.
Doing so and so will save all your details and will redirect you to the e-filing official portal. Have a look…
E-Verify Your ITR
The final step says that e-verify your ITR (Income Tax Return).
For the sake of same, keep going…
As mentioned; that later to the confirmation, you will be redirected to the e-filing portal. So, now you are facing your e-filing account dashboard.
To this account-dashboard, look for “My Account” tab — located on the top menu bar, next to the dashboard menu itself. Found? If not then have a look…
The time you see it, click over it or just render your pointer to it. This activity – within no matter second will open a drop-down menu list in front of you. The drop-down menu list will be containing the following links/points –
- View Form 26AS (Tax Credit)
- View e-Filed Returns/Forms
- Tax Credit Mismatch
- Download Pre-Filed XML
- E-Verify Return
- Generate EVC
- Compliance Portal
- Reporting Portal, etc..
Links didn’t end here! An image illustrating the rest link/points is as follows:
Certainly, in order to e-verify IT returns – you have to select the point “e-Verify Return”. Opting this will make you see all your returns which are not e-verified till.
Accordingly, go against the return which you wish to verify and click over the “e-verify” anchor text — located next to the particular tax return. An image illustrating the same is as follows:
Well, do you know; what is e-verify? Might you all will answer — electronic verification. Yes, it is so but along with this, it is also a web-based system through which you can end up with your IT (Income Tax) returns verification.
So, click over it and proceed with your verification process. Subsequently, upon clicking over it — a pop-up will appear, asking you to continue or cancel the verification process.
Wherein, the judgement “Continue” will take you to the next step. And the judgement “Cancel” will take you back to the pending returns.
An image illustrating the pop-up is as follows:
Needless to say, in order to verify the IT (Income Tax) return, go along with the “Continue” button.
What next? Next is to download the ITR-V form…!!!
Yes, upon opting the “Continue” button your e-verification process gets completed and a message to this is displayed on your computer screen. Also, a confirmation email will be sent to your registered ID.
Not only this much but you will also be sent a link to [simple_tooltip content=’In accordance with the research, at present, the process of downloading ITR-V is not that much difficult. But is over high demand!
Admirably, over 880 users in a month use to search – how to download ITR-V acknowledgement. Ease >> Download ITR-V.’]download the ITR-V Acknowledgement[/simple_tooltip].
The message format is as follows:
Note: Be sure to log out from your net banking account after completing the e-verification process.
All done!
Post E-Verification Process of ITR
An ITR once filed, must be verified in order to be considered as valid for further processing by the Income Tax Department.
The system of electronically filing (e-filing) and verifying (e-verifying) your income and tax returns requires generating an Electronic Verification Code (EVC), which is a 10-digit alphanumeric code and can be used to validate per Income Tax Return only.
Thus, if you plan to revise your return, then you will have to generate a new EVC, in which you will not be required to send the ITR-V Form physically to the CPC office.